You may be eligible for a work licence if:
- you have been charged with drink driving, fail to provide a sample of breath at the roadside, or driving with a relevant drug in the blood or saliva (but not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs or fail to provide a specimen of breath at the police station) and
- you are going to plead guilty and are going to lose your driver licence and
- you need your driver licence for work.
You must be going to plead guilty to one of the following offences:
- drink driving
- being in charge of a vehicle while over the limit
- driving with cannabis, ecstasy or ice (these are referred to as a “relevant drug” in the legislation) in your saliva or blood
- being in charge of a vehicle with a relevant drug in your saliva or blood
- failing to supply a breath or saliva sample at the roadside (not at the police station).
To apply for a work licence you must also be able to tick all the boxes below:
- You held a current Queensland open driver licence for the vehicle you were driving when you were caught for one of the above offences.
- You had a blood alcohol concentration level of less than 0.15 percent when you were caught for one of the offences listed above.
- You weren’t driving for your job or already under a work licence when you were caught for one of the offences listed listed above.
- You weren’t driving under a licence that required your blood alcohol concentration to be zero when you were caught for one of the offences listed above, eg a learner licence or provisional licence.
- You hold a current Queensland open driver licence when you apply for the work licence.
- You haven’t been convicted anywhere of drink driving or a similar offence in the last five years.
- You haven’t been convicted in Queensland of dangerous driving in the last five years.
- You haven’t had your licence disqualified, suspended or cancelled in the last five years. (There are some exceptions to this, eg if the State Penalties Enforcement Registry suspended your licence because you didn’t pay your fine, or your licence was suspended for 24 hours after you were charged).