Will I lose my driver licence?

There are certain traffic offences where the court must cancel your licence for example: Drink driving Drug driving Unlicensed driving (except simpliciter) Disqualified driving Dangerous driving For other offences such as unlicensed driving (simplicitor - no suspension/disqualification at time of the offence) the Magistrate will decide in court whether or not to disqualify you from [...]

By |2022-07-30T04:54:00+10:00July 30th, 2022||

Can police breathalyse me on private property?

Yes, police can breathalyse you anywhere under the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995. Police can also breathalyse you at home after you have been driving if they reasonably suspect that during the previous 3 hours you were driving / attempting to drive / or in charge of a vehicle, if it was involved [...]

By |2022-07-30T04:46:50+10:00July 30th, 2022||

Do police need a warrant to search my car?

No. A police officer can stop and search your car and anyone in it, if they reasonably suspect that there is something in the vehicle such as: a weapon a dangerous drug stolen property tools to break into houses or cars something that you plan to use to hurt yourself or somebody else evidence that [...]

By |2022-07-30T04:44:35+10:00July 30th, 2022||

Do police need a warrant to search my home?

No. The police can enter and search your home without a warrant to: prevent domestic violence investigate traffic offences catch someone who has escaped from prison or from being arrested search for evidence if they reasonably suspect there is evidence that may otherwise be hidden or destroyed arrest someone reach a crime scene.

By |2022-07-30T04:42:37+10:00July 30th, 2022||

Can a police officer search me?

Yes. A police officer can search you but only if they reasonably suspect you may have: a weapon a dangerous drug stolen property tools to break into houses or cars something that you plan to use to hurt yourself or somebody else evidence that someone has committed an indictable offence (and this evidence may be [...]

By |2022-07-30T04:42:01+10:00July 30th, 2022||

7. Local knowledge

Our principal lawyer, Ryan Roche has developed and established relationships with all of the right people when it comes to handling court matters. No matter what the case is, at the end of the day it is people we are dealing with, whether it be the police, prosecutors, barristers, magistrates or judges. It is vital [...]

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